On-campus consultation for international students

Faculty members in charge of education for international students 

 Faculty members specializing in education for international students from each department collaborate as concurrent faculty members at CIEE.

School Name of faculty Extension
Graduate School of Letters・Graduate School of Humanities TOJO Kana 5119 (Toyonaka)
Graduate School of Human Science/School of Human Science YASUMOTO Saori 4038 (Suita)
Graduate School of Law and Politics/School of Law EL BALTI BELIGH (Toyonaka)
Graduate School of Economics/School of Economics GOTO Risa (Toyonaka)
Graduate School of Science/School of Science KAMON Yuri 8169 (Toyonaka)
Graduate School of Engineering/School of Engineering FUJITA Kiyoshi 3700 (Suita)
Graduate School of Engineering/School of Engineering TERAI  Tomoyuki 8972 (Suita)
Graduate School of Engineering/School of Engineering NAKAHASHI Maho 8972 (Suita)
Graduate School of Engineering Science/School of Engineering Science FUTAMI Futoshi (Toyonaka)


In-person consultation for international students available at CIEE Toyonaka Branch. See the table below for faculty names and schedule: 

Day Time Faculty Name of faculty
Monday 13:00~15:00 Graduate School of Economics/School of Economics GOTO Risa
Tueday 13:00~15:00 Graduate School of Engineering Science/School of Engineering Science FUTAMI Futoshi
Wednesday 13:00~15:00 Graduate School of Science/School of Science KAMON Yuri
Thursday 13:00~15:00 Graduate School of Law and Politics/School of Law EL BALTI BELIGH
Friday 13:00~15:00 Graduate School of Letters・Graduate School of Humanities  TOJO Kana

*The schedule is subject to change. 
     If you would like to make an appointment, please contact CIEE Toyonaka Branch first . (Phone: 06-6850-5032)

Counseling offices for international students

 School  Location  Phone number  ●Faculty

International Affairs Office, Graduate School of Humanities/ School of Letters(Toyonaka)


Toyonaka Campus,

109, 1F, Main Building (Let.Law.Econ)

 06-6850-6409  ●Mohammad Moinuddin

International Exchange & Consultation Room, School of Law, Graduate School of Law & Politics/ Osaka University Law School

Toyonaka Campus,

201, 2F, Graduate School of Law and Graduate School of Economics Building

 06-6850-5181  ●EL BALTI BELIGH

International Exchange Office, Graduate School of Economics

Toyonaka Campus,

101, 1F, Graduate School of Law and Graduate School of Economics Building

 06-6850-5847 ●GOTO Risa

Center for International Affairs (CIA) Advisory Division for International Students, Graduate School of Engineering

Suita Campus,

1F, International Research Complex for Biotechnology         

 06-6879-8972 ●FUJITA Kiyoshi
●TERAI Tomoyuki
○KATO Masami

Advising Room for International Students, Graduate School of Engineering Science


Toyonaka Campus,

A325, 3F, School of Engineering Science Building A

(ext. 6424)
●FUTAMI Futoshi

The Office of International Exchange (OIE), Graduate School of Human Sciences


Suita Campus,

M245, 2F, Main Building, School of Human Sciences

 06-6879-4038 ●YASUMOTO Saori

Advisement Office for International Students, Graduate School of Science

Toyonaka Campus,

D201, 2F, School of Science Building D(International Exchange Salon)

 06-6850-6415 ●KAMON Yuri
○GOTO  Chisa

Global Community Office, Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP)


Toyonaka Campus,

205, 2F, OSIPP Building  

 06-6850-5641 ●Hawkins Virgil

International student affairs office at each department

Addministrative support for international students and scholars at each department(Osaka University Support Office Website)
(※Information might not be updated in time)

International Student Affairs Section, International Student Affairs Division, Department of International Affairs

This section is in charge of international students' admission, scholarships, coordinating the planning of new programs related to international students, and conducting surveys and statistics, etc.
Location: 1F, IC Hall, Suita Campus, 1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita 

Harrassment cunseling offices

There are harassment counseling offices on each campus, where specialized counselors and university-wide counselors are available to respond to consultations.
Preventing all types of harassment - Osaka University (


Other consultation available in English


Map (On-Campus consultation)

Map(On campus consultation)



吹田市山田丘1-1 ICホール内