Career Consultation for International Students/ 留学生向けのキャリア相談コーナー


CIEE has established a career counseling corner to support international students in their job search endeavors in Japan.

Examples of consultation topics:
Exploring career options, the process of job searching in Japan, how to gather information, how to write an entry sheet, interview preparation, working in academia, and more.

Available languages

Japanese, English, Chinese

Consultation medium

(1) In-Person Consultation:

  • Toyonaka Campus: 12:30 - 14:00 on Tuesdays, CIEE Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Student Service and Union
  • Suita Campus: 12:30 - 14:00 on Wednesday, Information Room for International Students (IRIS), 2F, IC Hall 
  • Minoh Campus: 12:30 - 14:00 on Thursdays, CIEE Minoh Branch, 5th floor, Research and Education Hub

(2) Zoom Consultation:

12:30 - 14:00 every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

(3) E-mail consultation:

Available at any time

Sign up for consultation

To ensure fairness to all students, reserving multiple time slots at once is not permitted. Should you attempt to do so, all reservations will be deemed invalid

Joining the mailing list for job hunting information

Those who are graduating in 2026 and wish to receive information on free career seminars, campany information sessions, etc., can join the mailing list here:

Please be aware that our information sharing will conclude after the current round of new graduate recruitment is completed.

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JAPANESE Osaka University

Center for International Education and Exchange

Intercultural Collaboration Hall, Osaka University
1-1 Yamada, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan