Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students2022

  ■ ■ ■ ■ Registration ■ ■ ■ ■


Flyer of each seminar

8th Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic:Preparing entry sheets and company recruiting fairs
Date and time : Jan. 23 (Mon.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
7 participants


7th Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic:Preparing entry sheets and company recruiting fairs
Date and time : Dec.19 (Mon.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
4 participants

6th Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic:Preparing entry sheets and company recruiting fairs
Date and time : Dec.12 (Mon.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
15 participants


5th Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic:Hearing about experiences of students with job offers
Date and time : Dec.1 (Thu.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
16 participants

4th Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic:Hearing about experiences of OBOGs
Date and time : Nov.26 (Sat.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
10 participants

3rd Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic: Collecting information and business research
Date and time : Nov.7 (Mon.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
13 participants

2nd Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Topic: Collecting information and business research
Date and time : Oct.24 (Mon.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
31 participants

The 1st Job Search Strategy Seminar for International Students

Introduction to job search for international students
Date and time : Oct.13 (Thu.) 17:30~19:00
※by ZOOM
41 participants

Career Talk 2022

Date & Time: June 4th (Sat) 10:00 to 11:30
Place : Google Meet (The meeting link will automatically appear on the
registration completion screen.)
Dead line : June 4th (Sat) 9:55
Language : English
Target : Osaka University students only

The number of participants was 26 international students at Osaka University. Three alumni shared their experiences on job hunting in Japan with the participants followed by active Q&A period. It was a good opportunity to learn about a job hunting system in Japan.

JAPANESE Osaka University

Center for International Education and Exchange

Intercultural Collaboration Hall, Osaka University
1-1 Yamada, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan