Zoom Chat Time (CIEE)
We, IRIS staff, are conducting Zoom Chat Time targeting OU students.
Date & Time: 16:00~17:00 weekdays
How to join: Join the meeting with the following Zoom URL, or Meeting ID and
URL: https://zoom.us/j/93941655407?pwd=THpUOFVneW9VLy9JcTJUV0UvL2dLdz09
Meeting ID: 939 4165 5407
Password: 3zi0Jz
Target: Osaka University Students (both international and local) only
※Pre-registration is not required.
※If you have any questions or need consultation, email us or visit us directly.
(After contacting via e-mail, we may set up an appointment for a zoom consultation.) IRIS:iris@ciee.osaka-u.ac.jp