Experimental Mathematics

Joe SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science)

Cource Objective
   By learrning the R language, the students can be familiar with computer programming, statistics, and college mathematics. The statistics package is used in many areas of sciences such as physics, biology, chemistry, and lifescience.

Requirement / Prerequisite
   No programming experience. High school mathematics knowledge helps understanding.

Course Content
   You may want to consult: to find the R language easy to learn (a calculator rather than a programming language). For the first nine classes, the students learn the basics of the R such as syntacs, environment, programming techniques:

  1. Introduction and preliminaries
  2. Simple manipulations; numbers and vectors
  3. Objects, their modes and attributes
  4. Ordered and unordered factors
  5. Arrays and matrices
  6. Lists and data frames
  7. Reading data from files
  8. Probability distributions
  9. Grouping, loops and conditional execution
  10. Writing your own functions
  11. Statistical models in R
  12. Graphical procedures
  13. Packages
Then, they choose and solve a couple of advanced problems in the rest of hours. The R has a wide variety of applictions. Those problems will be chosen according to the students' needs.

   Introductory Statistics with R, Peter Dalgaard, Springer (Copy of the textbook will be provided to students in the course)

Grading Policy

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