
Tomoko ARIKAWA (International Student Center)

This course studies “culture” from various perspectives, using the issues and problems mainly in Japan. This course aims to help broaden the understanding of “culture” and help students become better prepared for interacting with people of different backgrounds. Each class will be conducted through lectures and discussion.

Reading materials will be given at each class.

Teaching Schedule
Week 1 Introduction

I. Study on main aspects of culture
Week 2 Review and evaluate relevant theories on culture
Week 3 Identify and illustrate main aspects of culture

II. Study on the cases on Japan and compare and contrast with those in other countries
Week4 Ethnicity
Week5 Gender
Week6 Language
Week 7 Education
Week8 Social Relationships

III. Study on intercultural interactions
Week 9 Review and evaluate relevant theories on intercultural relationships
Week 10 Identify and explain relevant concepts in intercultural relationships
Week 11 Analyze and evaluate cases in intercultural interactions

Week 12 Peer review on Long Essay

IV. Propose and evaluate approaches in intercultural relationships
Week 13 Synthesize the past approaches on culture and intercultural interactions
Week 14 Propose concrete approaches in intercultural interactions
Week 15 Evaluate the proposed approaches in intercultural relationships

• 30% will be based on Participation (2% for each class). Student is expected to participate actively in discussions of each class. Student writes a brief reflection note about group discussions and turns it in at the end of each class.
• 30% will be based on Short Essays (10% for each short essay). Student writes a one to two page short essay (typed) about the readings in each main section of I., II., and III., discussing his/her own ideas about selected issues from the readings. Student turns it in by the last class of each section (Section I. on Week 3, Section II. on Week 8, Section III on Week 11).
• 40% will be based on Long Essay. In this Long Essay, student (1) synthesizes the past studies on culture and intercultural relationships using specific examples and (2) proposes concrete approaches desirable and/or needed in intercultural interactions and in relating with those others whose backgrounds are different.

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