Seminar Course for Intercultural Understanding

HORIKAWA Tomoya (Graduate School of Foreign Studies)

Cource Objective
   To think about the conflict and difficulties that arise when people communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. Hopefully, by the end of this course students will have developed the critical thinking skills and awareness of cross-cultural ideas that are necessary for successful communication across cultural divides.

Learning Goals
   You will be able to get ability to cammunicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Class Plan
   In the first half of the course students will participate in group activities and discussions on various topics about cross-cultural communication. In the latter half of the course, students will prepare and present in groups a presentation on a particular topic discussed throughout the course. (please note that the exact content of the syllabus will be decided according to the students' backgrounds and interests.) group activities, discussions, and presentations
Theme Content
Week 1 group activities 1 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 2 group activities 2 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 3 group activities 3 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 4 group discussions 1 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 5 group discussions 2 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 6 group discussions 3 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 7 group discussions 4 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 8 group presentation 1 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 9 group presentation 2 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 10 group presentation 3 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 11 group presentation 4 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 12 group presentation 5 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 13 group presentation 6 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 14 group presentation 7 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions
Week 15 group presentation 8 various topics about cross-cultural communicarions

Independent Study Outside of Class
   You need to prepare your assignment for every class.

   References will be introduced throughout the course as appropriate.

Grading Policy
   Students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation and contribution in class, submission of learning-journals, and presentations.

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