Japanese Society and Culture:influence on Literature

Debashirita GHOSH

   This is an introductory course on Japanese Society and Literature in English focusing on the aspects of socio-cultural influences on Japanese Literature. This course encourages students to identify such influences and recognize their impact on the creation of a literary piece or a social phenomenon. A range of literary pieces or a corresponding topic would be chosen which represent a captivating aspect of Japanese history. It is expected of the learners to analyze them and introduce fresh perspectives.

Requirement / Prerequisite
   Basic knowledge of Japanese society, culture and literature. Familiarity with literary analysis and interpretation.<
   Learning Outcome:
   Students should be able to relate a literary text to its social and cultural context. Identify, interprete and justify the crucial@factors that influence Literature.
   Instructional Strategies:
   Hand outs, Mini Lecture, Audio visuals,Group discussions/debates

Course Content
   The aim of the course is to enable students to study and enrich their perspectives on Japanese Literature by identifying the underlying socio-cultural themes. Along with focusing on representative literary works, we also look into Japanese traditions and social norms in order to gain an in-depth understanding of Japanese society.


  1. Early Japan: Kojiki /Tale of Genji
  2. Feaudalism: Hagakure/Tale of Heike
  3. Isolation: Ihara Saikaku/Bukegiri Monogatari
  4. Meiji Restoration: Fukoku Kyouhei
  5. Proliterian Literary Movement: Miyamoto Kenji
  6. Occupation: Yukio Mishima: Confessions of a Mask
  7. Summary
  8. Mass Culture: Manga Boom
  9. Diversity and change: Oe Kenzaburo
  10. The individual/women: Abe Kobo Women in the Dunes
  11. Heirarchy: Giri and Ninjo
  12. Religion: Endo Shusaku/ Deep River
  13. Education: Tera goya, Gimu Kyoiku,
  14. Contemporary Japan: Murakami Haruki
  15. Summary

Textbook and Reference

Note: Some literary works might be re-adjusted depending on student interest.


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