Masatomo MAEDA, et al. (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
This course provides an introduction to pharmaceutical sciences
from chemical, biological and environmental perspectives and includes a review
of recent advances in Japan. This course consists of lectures, demonstration
of experiments and discussions with teachers and graduate students.
Lecture Outline
1: Introduction Prof. Maeda
2: Protein structure and drug development Prof. Uno
3: Nucleic acid analogues for oligonucleotide therapy Assoc. Prof. Obika
4: Molecular structure and biological activity Prof. Tanaka
5: Production of pharmaceuticals by cell culture Prof. Yagi
6: Molecular targeting agents for cancer therapy Assoc. Prof. Tsujikawa
7: Genetics for pharmaceutical application Prof. Maeda
8: New wave in environmental microbiology Assoc. Prof. Yamaguchi
9: Molecular biology of atherosclerosis Prof. Doi
10: Neurotransmitter systems in the nervous system Assoc. Prof. Hashimoto
11: Introduction to toxicology Assoc. Prof. Ito
12: Inhibiting gastric proton pump Prof. Maeda
13: Demonstration of some experiments on pharmaceutical sciences
No particular textbook is used, but some materials will be given out in class.
The course grade will be based on a term paper to be submitted at
the end of the course (60%) and class participation & discussion (40%).
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