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Independent Study is one of the unique features of OUSSEP. Students can propose a study topic and be assigned to a supervising professor (Supervisor) in an appropriate faculty. The Independent Study Course is elective. Students who want to undertake Independent Study must prepare and submit a proposal for their course of study. As explained in the OUSSEP Calendar, the courses of International Exchange Subjects are often broad in scope, rather than narrowly focused. Students can only study a truly specialized field by taking the Independent Study Course. We encourage all the students to take part in this course.
1. To study a particular subject, which is not found among the International Exchange Subjects, under the supervision of a particular professor of Osaka University. (Individual Study)
2. To study a particular subject, which is not found among the International Exchange Subjects, at a particular Faculty of Osaka University. (Individual Study)
3. To study a subject which is a part of the course requirements at the student's home university but is not found among the International Exchange Subjects. (Individual Study)
4. To conduct a research project on a particular theme under the supervision of a particular professor of Osaka University. (Independent Research)
5. To conduct a research project on a particular theme at a particular Faculty of Osaka University. (Independent Research)
6. To conduct a research project on a particular theme that is possible only in Osaka or in Japan. (Independent Research)
OUSSEP is basically an undergraduate program. Each student should propose a study plan that will meet his/her own ability. The student is expected to have completed, at his/her home university, course work providing an academic background necessary for undertaking the study he/she proposes. Students tend to propose an overly broad theme for their Independent Research. It must be concrete and specific. Graduate students who are applying for OUSSEP may propose a more extensive research project.
The student and the Supervisor should agree upon the subject and the scope of study at the beginning of each semester. Immediately after that, the student must submit an official registration form (Form: Ind. Study-3) for the Independent Study Course, signed by their Supervisor, to the Director of the International Student Center of Osaka University. The students must also submit more detailed plans for the course (Form: Ind. Study-4) within a few weeks after that. The course usually continues for two semesters. At the end of each semester, the student must submit a report on the topic to their Supervisor.
The student will be granted 2 credits* per semester for successfully completing the Independent Study Course. If the student wishes to have the credits for Independent Study approved later at their home university, we recommend that the student discuss their proposal and plan with the academic adviser at their home university before coming to Osaka.
*When the amount of work required for the course is particularly large, the Supervisor and the International Student Committee may decide, at the beginning of each semester, to grant up to 4 instead of 2 credits for Independent Study. We usually grant 2 credits to an undergraduate student for Independent Study and up to 4 credits to a graduate student, depending on the workload. We may grant 3 credits to an undergraduate student, if the work includes extensive laboratory or field work.
At the beginning of the program the Supervisor will tell the student in what manner he/she will be able to give advice to the student during the course of study. The Supervisor usually assigns a graduate tutor to the student. The tutor will provide supplementary advice to the student during the course. The Supervisor may allow the student to take part in seminars that he/she conducts for their regular students. Such seminars are usually intended for students in the 4th year of the undergraduate program and those in the graduate school, and are usually conducted in Japanese. The tutor will help the student at the seminars. The student should expect to study independently, for the most part, and should not expect too much help from the Supervisor or the tutor.
When a student proposes a course of study under the supervision of a particular professor of Osaka University, we may make an arrangement for the student to contact the professor in advance of their coming to Osaka. In some cases the student's academic adviser at their home university may already be in contact with the professor of Osaka University.
Students should expect that textbooks and reference books related to the subject of the course, written in English, might be scarce in Japan. We recommend that the students bring English books from their home countries whenever possible (particularly in case 3 above).
All the students who are applying for admission to OUSSEP must complete Form: Ind. Study-1 and include it in the application package. Those who would like to take the Independent Study Course must also write Form: Ind. Study-2 and attach it to the Form: Ind. Study-1.
Follow the instructions below when you write the Form: Ind. Study-2.
Please, typewrite or use a word processor. Write your major field of study at your home university in the space for "Major field of study", irrespective of the study topic you are proposing. Describe the subject of your Independent Study and your plans for study in spaces (1) and (2). Read carefully the "Guide to Independent Study" before you write your proposal. Propose a title for your study in space (1). A total of around 500 words would be appropriate for your description of your independent study topic. If you need more space, feel free to write on a separate sheet. |
[Index] | [List of 2001:Fall Semester] | [List of 2002:Spring Semester] |