01s-7 The Japanese Economy

Colin MCKENZIE (Osaka School of International Public Policy)


Objective The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the operation and management of the Japanese economy. Particular emphasis will be given to economic explanations of the so-called peculiar features of the Japanese economy (for example, the main bank system, life time employment, and keiretsu).

Textbook Ito, T. (1992), The Japanese Economy, MIT Press. A reading list will be distributed in the first class.

Lecture Outline
Week 1 General Introduction to the Japanese Economy
Week 2 Economic Growth
Week 3 The Savings Rate
Week 4¡¡The Savings Rate
Week 4 Financial Institutions
Week 5¡¡Financial Institutions
Week 5 Corporate Finance and the Stock Market
Week 6 International Finance
Week 7 Labor Markets
Week 8¡¡Labor Markets
Week 8 Research and Development
Week 9¡¡Research and Development
Week 9 Foreign Investment
Week 10 International Trade
Week 11 The Distribution System
Week 12 Industrial Organization and Policy
Week 13 Industrial Adjustment and Assistance
Week 14 Macroeconomic Policy - Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Week 15 International Economic Conflicts

Grading Grades will be awarded on the basis of a term paper to be submitted towards the end of the course (30%) and a final exam (70%).


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